Actor Yogesh Mahajan who presently was seen essaying the role of Shukracharya, the guru of Daityas, Asuras and Danavas, in the television show ‘Shiv Shakti – Tap Tyag Tandav’, passed away yesterday on 19th January.
It is reported that A sudden cardiac arrest led the actor to death. Yogesh earlier featured in TV shows like Adaalat, Jai Shri Krishna, Chakravartin Ashoka Samrat, and Devon Ke Dev. Mahadev among others.
Yogesh’s co-star Suzanne Bernert exclusively got candid about her bond with him and expressed heartfelt condolences. She shared, “I can’t believe it …such a wonderful human being and actor ..we had intense scenes but off camera it was great fun! Always positive he was and I am shocked sitting in Hyderabad with the news.”
She further shared, “Many times we travelled in his or our car …and had deep conversations… I am sad we lost touch through work. It’s normal for one to move on from project to project but the impact of the bonding stays. Om Shanti my friend and so sorry for his family.”
The actor’s last rites were held today where his friends and family members gathered to bid a final adieu to the actor.