Indore: Two labourers were killed when a crane tyre exploded while being inflated during the construction of a national highway on Tuesday afternoon in Umarda village of Burhanpur.
“The incident occurred on the under-construction highway near the Tapti River,” Burhanpur SP Devendra Patidar said, adding that the deceased labourers were identified as Pawan Chauhan (22) and Noor Salam (25), both residents of Uttar Pradesh.
“According to the eyewitnesses, the tyre suddenly burst while being inflated, fatally injuring the two labourers who were standing nearby,” the senior police official said, adding that the two labourers were killed and their bodies were sent to the mortuary of the district hospital.
“Family members of the deceased were informed and post-mortem examination will be conducted after their arrival,” he said. A case was registered and further probe is underway, Patidar said.