BAREILLY: Two boys, 16 and 17, were held by police on Saturday for the alleged murder of a 38-year-old farmer, Lokesh Gangwar, in Bareilly. Police said the mother of one of the minor accused had started staying with Lokesh and her son plotted with his cousin to “take revenge and also save the family’s honor”.
SP (City) Manush Pareek said, “Lokesh was found dead in a farm and an FIR was registered. The woman’s minor son and his cousin were deeply upset by this step and took revenge. They strangled Lokesh with a belt.”
Pareek added: “The accused later confessed, and we recovered the belt and bike used in the crime. Lokesh’s phone and his pair of sandals were also recovered from them. The accused have been booked under the BNS sections of murder and for hiding evidence and sent to a juvenile home.”
It all happened on the evening of Jan 21 when the woman’s son and his cousin set out on a bike to find Lokesh. Near the Delhi highway, they saw him, intoxicated, heading home. They first asked him about his mother and Lokesh said that she was in Maheshpur. They then took him on their bike, strangled him to death and dumped the body in a farm. Lokesh’s body was found the next morning.
As per the investigation, it was also found that Lokesh was once booked for raping a minor girl in 2021 and was out of jail on bail. He developed a relationship with the accused’s mother, and both of them started living together.