PUNE: After nearly two years since the split in Nationalist Congress Party and the Pawar family, Maharashtra deputy chief minister Ajit Pawar Thursday held a closed-door meeting with his uncle and NCP (SP) chief Sharad Pawar on Vasantdada Sugar Institute’s (VSI) premises.
Pawar, VSI’s chairman, was in his cabin with some board members when Ajit Pawar, a trustee of VSI, entered the cabin. He and his uncle then met in the presence of some close associates for nearly half an hour before they headed to the AGM of the institute.
It is not clear what transpired between them. The deputy CM has not attended VSI’s meetings for last couple of years. When asked, he said, “I was busy planning to increase number of my party’s MLAs.”
Karjat-Jamkhed MLA and Sharad Pawar’s grandnephew Rohit Pawar said that the family should reunite. Speaking to media in Nashik, Rohit said, “One of the two NCP factions will have to set aside its ideology for such a reunion. Both NCP (SP) chief Sharad Pawar and NCP chief Ajit Pawar will decide. Pawar has stuck to his ideology for six decades.”