Shark Tank India judge and founder of, playfully requested a discount code from Ritesh Agarwal, CEO of Oyo Rooms. Mittal’s tweet humorously referenced the new check-in policy for unmarried couples from January. Oyo now requires unmarried couples to show proof of their relationship before staying at its partner hotels in Meerut. The new policy created a buzz on social media with users sharing memes. This did not go unnoticed by Anupam Mittal who shared a post on microblogging platform X (formerly known as Twitter). Mittal playfully wrote “Ab toh @ShaadiDotCom par ‘OYO’ discount code banta hai. Whatsay @riteshagar ? 👊🏼”.
Also read: Oyo launches new check-in policy starting January 2025: Unmarried couples will no longer be …
Internet reactions to Anupam Mittal’s post
While Ritesh Agarwal is yet to respond to Mittal’s playful request, X users wasted no time in chiming in with their witty remarks. Some users suggested their own creative “discount codes,” while others joked about how even successful entrepreneurs look for a good deal. One user commented, “Wedding Venues pe discount code dilvao over OYO naughty Anupam”. Mittal replied saying “Karein?”.
Another user commented “How about sponsoring the first two nights of the honeymoon for a newly married couple in premium OYO properties who were matched on @ShaadiDotCom?”. To this, the Shark Tank judge replied “Arre baba .. itna toh hum Nahin lete but we can certainly consider a lottery system and give these out to a few ppl every month @ShaadiDotCom”.
A third user joked “@AnupamMittal Bhai ‘Alimony’ insurance ka package lao @ShaadiDotCom par”. “Basically you are offering @ShaadiDotCom discount code to ‘OYO’ give and take, dono ka fayda,” said a fourth user.