Sana Khan and her husband Anas Saiyad have joyfully welcomed their second child, after already being parents to a baby boy named Tariq Jamil. Sharing their happiness on social media, the couple wrote, “Allah Taala Ne Har Chiz Mukaddar Me Likhe Hai, Waqt Aane Par Allah Usko Atta Karta He Aur Jab Atta Karta He To Jholiya Khushiyon Se Bhar Deta Hai. Happy Parents.”
In a previous vlog, Sana had shared a glimpse into their naming plans. Anas revealed, “If it is a girl, it will be F, Z or K. If it is a boy then the alphabets will be T, K or M.” This thoughtful preparation reflects the couple’s excitement and anticipation for their new addition.Remarkably, Sana’s second pregnancy came just nine months after the birth of their first child. Despite the quick transition, Sana has maintained a positive outlook and expressed deep gratitude. “I love when people give me blessings. I absolutely love it,” she said, appreciating the support from her well-wishers.
Sana announced her second pregnancy during her third trimester, sharing her excitement about this new chapter. “This time, when I announce my pregnancy, I’m in my third trimester, and I am very excited. I thought of sharing a bit in detail as during my first pregnancy, I couldn’t. My body was then going through changes. I had major swelling in first pregnancy. I had become a hot balloon. There were a lot of difficulties,” she revealed.
Now, with her second child, Sana is looking forward to the joys of motherhood once again. “I can’t wait to smell my newborn. It’s the first thing on my to-do list,” she shared with enthusiasm.
Previously, Sana had expressed a desire for a baby girl, but her happiness with her growing family remains boundless as she embraces motherhood once more.