JAMMU: Jammu Police Friday arrested the power department employee who shot and injured Jammu BJYM leader Advocate Kanav Sharma, son of senior BJP member Chander Mohan Sharma, over a parking feud in Roop Nagar’s New Plot area earlier in the day.
Sharma is currently under treatment at Jammu GMC.
Police said Ravinder Singh alias Kaka was arrested along with the weapon within six hours of the crime. Singh, a meter reader and permanent PDD staffer, is posted at Parade, Jammu, but was on duty at New Plot when the BJYM leader parked his vehicle on the street outside the PDD lineman room, to which Singh objected. As the argument escalated, Singh, in a fit of rage, fired at Sharma before fleeing the spot.
A case under BNS Section 109 (attempted murder) was registered at Bakshi Nagar PS and further investigation was underway, police said.