MUMBAI: Speaking on actor Saif Ali Khan’s stabbing incident, chief minister Devendra Fadnavis said, “Police have given you (media) all the information. They informed you about the likely motive and where the person could have entered.”
Fadnavis was speaking to the media in Bandra after attending a special screening of the movie Emergency. When asked about the safety of citizens in the city, Fadnavis said, “Among all the mega cities in the country, Mumbai is the safest.
Saif Ali Khan Health Update
It is true that such incidents happen, but they cannot be used to besmirch Mumbai’s image. Such incidents should be taken seriously, and the govt will take all necessary action.”
Maharashtra minister of state for home Yogesh Kadam said the opposition was trying to politicise the attack on Khan. The incident was a “theft attempt”, and the culprit has been identified and will be nabbed soon, Kadam told a TV channel.