Lily Stewart: Who is Georgia’s ‘hot mugshot girl’ Lily Stewart? Why is she getting arrested again and again?

Who is Georgia's 'hot mugshot girl' Lily Stewart? Why is she getting arrested again and again?
Viral mugshot girl Lily Stewart is again in front of jail camera — her second arrest this month.

Lily Stewart, A 20-year-old student at the University of Georgia recently went super viral and gained thousands of followers because people liked her smile in a police mugshot. She was pulled over and placed in custody on a speeding charge that was dismissed later. Her glamorous smile in front of a jail camera made her an internet sensation.
But it was again time for another mugshot as Stewart was arrested again Sunday on a pair of new charges. This time the charges are of obstructing a law enforcement officer and loitering/prowling.
Nicknamed as ‘Miss America’, the new mugshots of Stewart are viral once again. Internet people have even shown interest in bailing her out.
Between her two arrests on misdemeanor charges, Lily Stewart reacted to her virality and said she does not know what the hype is about her mugshot photos. “I think it’s hilarious. I don’t know what all the hype is about. I just took a mugshot and went on with my day,” she said earlier.

What is really the hype about Lily Stewart’s mugshot photos?

The first mugshot photos that made her viral were taken when she was going to a birthday party and so her hair and makeup were done perfectly, she said. And that was also the reason why she was racking and she did not want to get late for the party. She was hitting 85 mph in the 55” zone, before a Georgia State Patrol car issued her a speeding ticket. She was then pulled over for going the same speed only moments later. Stewart was subsequently taken to jail and paid a $440 bond at the time.
She said she gained thousands of followers since her first mugshots became viral in which she just looked like a “basic white girl” but she was smiling in her blowout hair and pearl earrings.
A police official said Stewert has been acting as if laws do not apply to her. “We should never glorify this type of behavior … I hope she doesn’t get the attention like she did last time,” he said.

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