Apple co-founder Steve Jobs‘s wife, Laurene Powell Jobs, recently attended the Maha Kumbh Mela in Prayagraj, a grand spiritual gathering. Although she missed the holy dip in the Ganga on the first day of the mela due to health concerns, her visit drew significant attention. After her spiritual experience at the Kumbh, Laurene made headlines by becoming part of a historic moment.
How is Laurene Powell’s flight from Prayagraj significant
A Bhutan Airways aircraft recently landed at Prayagraj airport, carrying American billionaire Laurene Powell Jobs. After attending the Maha Kumbh Mela, she returned to Bhutan on the same plane. This marked Prayagraj’s first international flight in 93 years, a historic milestone for the airport.
In 1911, Henri Piquet initiated domestic commercial aviation in India, flying mail from Allahabad (now Prayagraj) to Naini. By 1931, the Allahabad aerodrome was established, becoming one of India’s first international airports, with flights to London until 1932.
What Do You Think of Laurene Powell Jobs Breaking the 93-Year-Old Record at Kumbh Mela?