Ram Charan and Kiara Advani‘s ‘Game Changer’ hit the silver screens on January 10th, 2025, after a long wait. Renowned director Shankar directed the political drama, marking his Telugu debut. The film received rave reviews, particularly for the impactful performance by the ‘RRR’ star. The film grossed Rs 21.5 crore on the second day in all languages.
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As per the trade analyst Sacnilk report, on its opening day, ‘Game Changer’ grossed an impressive Rs 51 crore across all languages. By the second day, the film saw a massive dip in earnings with Rs 21.5 crore, bringing its total to Rs 72.5 crore within just two days. The breakdown of the second day’s earnings shows that it collected Rs 12.7 crore from Telugu-speaking audiences, Rs 7 crore from Hindi, Rs 1.7 crore from Tamil, and around Rs 10 lakhs from Kannada.
The film’s occupancy rates reflect its popularity, with an overall 31.19% occupancy in Telugu theatres on January 11. Morning shows recorded a 20.66% occupancy, which increased throughout the day to 36.48% during night shows. The Hindi version had a 21.82% occupancy rate, while the Tamil version saw 19.42%.
‘Game Changer’ is a political drama film that follows the story of an Indian Administrative Service (IAS) officer played by Ram Charan, who takes on corrupt politicians in a fight for justice and fair elections. The film also features a talented ensemble cast including SJ Suryah, Anjali, Brahmanandam, Vennela Kishore, and Murali Sharma. The film’s music is composed by Thaman S.
The film is likely to dominate the box office, it is expected to maintain its momentum in the coming weeks with the Sankranti festive season also closing in.