Bollywood actress Shilpa Shirodkar, currently a participant in the controversial reality show Bigg Boss 18, has emerged as one of the most talked-about contestants this season. The actress, who has been longing for her family, will finally reunite with her daughter, Anoushka, during the much-awaited family week on Bigg Boss 18, airing from tonight. Ahead of her entry into the house, Anoushka shared her thoughts in an exclusive chat with Times of India TV, addressing her excitement to meet her mother and shedding light on her maasi, Namrata Shirodkar‘s absence during the family week.
In an exclusive conversation, Shilpa Shirodkar’s daughter opened up about how Namrata Shirodkar and Mahesh Babu have reacted to her mother’s gameplay in Bigg Boss 18. She shared insights into their thoughts on Shilpa’s journey in the house and revealed a heartfelt message the duo sent to encourage her.
Speaking about Namrata and Mahesh Babu’s reaction to Shilpa’s game and her maasi’s absence from the family week, Anoushka shared, “They watch the show everyday. My aunt (Namrata) is so proud of my mom. I spoke to her yesterday literally for an hour before I came in and we talked so much about her. Honestly when this opportunity of family week came, I ran. I was like I don’t care, I haven’t seen my mother in the last three months. This is the longest I’ve ever gone without seeing her. I had to come and see her. I have not even spoken to her. I told them dad, “maasi all of you stop I’m going in the house.”
Reacting to her mom’s fight with her aunt Namrata before entering the house, Anouska said, “They are sisters and there are fights in families especially between sisters. You can’t avoid that. She has been watching the show everyday. My aunt has been supporting her since day one and she updates me sometimes when I’m unable to watch the episodes.”
Anousha also revealed Namrata and Mahesh Babu’s special message for Namrata Shirodkar, “My aunt and uncle (Mahesh Babu) both are very proud of her. They are sending her lots of love. All of them have said to convey to mom how proud they are of her and how she has conducted herself. It’s incredible she has made it so far in the show. We love her and we can’t wait to see her come home with the trophy.”