Prabhudas Lilladher has a ‘buy’ recommendation on DCX Systems with a target price of Rs 535 (+46). Analysts said that DCX Systems’ products are primarily used in the defence and aerospace sectors, catering to the high standards of precision engineering required in these industries. They have evolved into a highly regarded Indian Offset Partner (IOP) for foreign original equipment manufacturers (OEMs).
HDFC Securities Institutional Research has a ‘buy’ rating on Jyothy Labs with a target price of Rs 600 (+48%). Analysts feel the company is taking an aggressive stance to be one of the meaningful players in the liquid detergent segment as this market transitions from powder to liquid. It also aims to win back market share in the dishwashing business by passing higher value to end consumers and offering better trade schemes to customers. It’s also taking pricing action in the soaps portfolio, and is driving conversion towards liquids from coils in the household insecticides segment with an enhanced product proposition.
Centrum Broking has a ‘buy’ recommendation on Maruti Suzuki India with a price target of Rs 16,000 (+35%). Analysts feel Maruti’s long term growth drivers are intact, driven by persistent strong growth in SUVs, increasing penetration of CNG, surge in exports and EV entry by end of FY25.
Emkay Global Financial Services has a ‘buy’ recommendation on Coal India with a target price of Rs 525 (+34%). Analysts feel that short-term concerns that led to the stock’s recent underperformance are already in the price and a turnaround is round the corner. They feel the medium-term demand growth outlook and project delivery catalysts are well-placed.
Motilal Oswal Financial Services has a ‘buy’ recommendation on Signature Global India with a target price of Rs 2,000 (+44%). Analysts said that the company with its strong presence in strategic locations in Gurugram, is on track to capitalise on the ongoing demand, guided by a strong project pipeline. They are also positive on the company’s strategic shift from the affordable to mid/mid-premium segment that could enable it to turn net cash positive and reinvest in land to fuel future growth. Among the key risks are a slowdown in residential absorption and a delay in the monetization of forthcoming projects.
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