Anand Mahindra recently took to microblogging site X (formerly Twitter) to share what he called ‘evidence’ of beautiful life. The business tycoon was responding to a post by X user Aryan Mishra who shared an image of a social dinner with his parents. Mishra captioned the image “My father was a watchman at ITC in New Delhi from 1995-2000; today I had the opportunity to take him to the same place for dinner :)”.
Sharing the post, Mahindra wrote “Despite all the chaos that abounds in the world today, Life STILL is beautiful. And here’s evidence of that…”.
Viral story of Aryan Mishra
Mishra’s story has taken the internet by storm. The startup founder said that his father worked as a watchman at ITC Maurya from 1995 to 2000. Decades later, he took his father for dinner at the same hotel, a gesture that is winning hearts. Mishra, who also describes himself as an amateur astronomer and an Ashoka University alumnus, shared a photo on X where he is seen dining with his father and mother.
His post has garnered over 2.5million views and 70K likes so far. Commenting on the post, one user said “I don’t know who you are, but my heart fills with happiness on reading/seeing such beautiful stories, extremely happy for you and the family!”. Another user said “This is so beautiful. You make me long for my Baba all the more. I had always imagined this, taking Baba to the best of places for food. Since we couldn’t afford when I was growing up. But God had other plans. I can afford a dinner or two or many now but I can’t afford to take Baba for the same dinners, ever anymore!”.
A third user commented “I am so proud of you (not that this matters) but the pride in their eyes is a reflection of all their hard work to make this happen. Please continue making others dreams come true with your hard work to create opportunities for others to rise and shine”.