Actor Ajith Kumar, who is known for his passion for racing, has encountered an accident during a car race training session in Dubai. The incident occurred while he was practicing on the track as part of his preparation for an upcoming racing championship. From the viral video of Ajith’s accident in Dubai, it looks like the ‘Vidaamuyarchi’ actor escaped the mishap without any injuries. Fans, who were initially alarmed by the news, have since expressed relief at his safety and continue to admire his dedication to motorsport alongside his illustrious acting career. Ajith’s commitment to pursuing his interests, even amidst his busy schedule, remains an inspiration to many.
Ahead of the Dubai trip, Ajith bid an emotional farewell to his family at the Chennai airport, showcasing his ability to balance his deep passion for racing with his unwavering dedication to his loved ones. The actor was seen sharing warm and affectionate moments with his family ahead of his departure.
Ajith Kumar is gearing up for an exciting return to motor racing, marking his debut in the prestigious Michelin 24H SERIES. He will compete in the 20th edition of the Michelin 24H DUBAI, leading his newly-formed team, Ajith Kumar Racing, and the racing event to happen on January 12 and 13. This highly anticipated entry showcases Ajith’s passion for motorsport and his determination to make a mark on the international racing stage. Fans and motorsport enthusiasts alike are eager to see the actor take on this.
On the cinema front, Ajith is next preparing to deliver ‘Vidaamuyarchi’ and ‘Good Bad Ugly‘ and he is set to have two releases in quick time.