MUMBAI: Actor Raghav Tiwari suffered injuries after being assaulted in an instance of road rage at Versova recently. The Versova Police registered an FIR against the accused and served a notice to him.
Tiwari has acted in TV shows and a Bollywood film. On Dec 30, he was returning home. While he was crossing Yari Road, a motorcyclist came close to colliding into him and applied brakes in the nick of time. The motorcyclist, Mohammad Shaikh, was travelling with his family. “Cant you see where you are going?,” Shaikh told Tiwari. A heated exchange of words followed.
According to the police, Shaikh got off the two wheeler and assaulted Tiwari. He also attacked the actor with an iron rod. Police said that Tiwari picked up a wooden stick lying nearby and struck Shaikh. Later, Tiwari went to a doctor before approaching the Versova police station.
Police officials viewed CCTV footage of the area. They tracked down Shaikh and a notice was issued to him. Police said preventive action was also taken against Shaikh.
Police said Tiwari and Shaikh were not acquainted with each other. An FIR was registered on Dec 31.