MUMBAI: Three days after they caught a Bangladeshi national for allegedly stabbing actor Saif Ali Khan multiple times last week, Bandra police Wednesday evening recovered the third and last missing piece of the knife that had broken during the attack. The accused, Shariful Fakir (30), had discarded it near Bandra Talao on SV Road, approximately 1.4 km from the actor’s residence at Satguru Sharan on St Theresa Road. Bandra police are now awaiting the actor’s statement, who returned home after being discharged from Lilavati Hospital on Tuesday.
The police have now retrieved all three pieces of the weapon used by Fakir in the stabbing at the actor’s 11th floor flat around 2 am on Jan 16. “A three-inch piece of the knife which got stuck inside Saif’s back was recovered after it was removed during the surgery. The second small piece with blood on it was found in the house during the panchnama carried out after the crime. The final big portion with the handle was found near the talao,” said a Bandra police station officer.
Following Tuesday’s hour-long crime scene reconstruction at Saif’s residence, police took Fakir to Bandra Talao on Wednesday. “He showed us where he had disposed of the knife after walking 1.4 km (around 25 minutes) from Saif’s building. After discarding the knife, he walked 650 metres to a restaurant on Linking Road before proceeding to the bus stop outside National College where he slept. In the morning he walked to Bandra railway station to catch a train for Dadar at 8 am before heading to Worli and then Thane,” said a police officer.
The investigation team has collected Fakir’s clothes worn during and after the incident. “We have recovered the shirt and cap that Fakir wore as mentioned by Saif’s stay-at-home nurse, Eliyamma Phillip, in her complaint. The team also found the scarf and all parts of the knife. The recovered material will be sent to the Forensic Science Laboratory. Fakir had stolen the knife from the Thane restaurant where he worked,” the cop said.
Fakir will appear before Bandra court Thursday after completing five days in custody.