Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan recently had an emotional reunion with an auto driver who had come to his aid during a life-threatening incident that took place on Jan 16, 2025. When the actor was the victim of a knife attack and was in urgent need of medical assistance. Struggling to find help, he flagged down an autorickshaw near his home in Bandra, Mumbai. The auto driver immediately rushed him to Lilavati Hospital, playing a pivotal role in ensuring Saif received timely treatment.
In a heartwarming moment, Saif met the driver again after 6 days, warmly embracing him and expressing his gratitude for the life-saving gesture. Reflecting on the incident, Saif credited his mother, veteran actress Sharmila Tagore, for instilling values of humility and compassion in him, which shaped his ability to connect with people from all walks of life. Report mentions, Saif Ali Khan reunited with the heroic auto driver who had rushed him to the hospital during a critical moment. The brief but heartfelt meeting took place on Tuesday, shortly before Saif was discharged from Lilavati Hospital. During their five-minute interaction, Saif warmly embraced Rana and expressed his gratitude for his timely and selfless act.
Here’s the moment:
This reunion not only highlighted Saif’s gratitude but also served as a touching reminder of the importance of kindness and humanity in moments of crisis. Meanwhile, Saif Ali Khan, often referred to as “The Nawab of Pataudi,” is the proud owner of the Pataudi Palace, his ancestral home in Haryana. However, contrary to popular belief, Saif did not inherit the palace. In a past interview, Saif revealed that the property had been converted into a hotel and rented out to Neemrana Hotels. He clarified that he had to repurchase the Pataudi Palace with his own hard-earned money, despite it being an ancestral property that many assume he simply inherited.