On January 17, Kangana Ranaut made it to the theatres with her solo directorial ‘Emergency’. Chronicling the events that unfolded during one of the most sensitive periods of Indian history – the emergency of 1957, the movie was the talk of the town from the word go. It was initially announced to be released in 2023, but after several delays, the movie finally made its way to the audience at the beginning of 2025. On its first day, the movie made a decent opening with Rs.2.5 crore and the following days also saw growth. However, from its first Monday, the business witnessed a dip as the movie collected Rs. 1.05 cr, and the business is still slow as the film minted only Rs.1.07 cr roughly on Tuesday, as per the Sacnilk report.
It is worth noting that opposite to the mixed reports that predicted a below average start for ‘Emergency’ the opening and weekend collection has been a delight. Day 1 saw a business of Rs.2.5 cr, on day 2 there was a jump of 44 per cent with a collection of Rs. 3.6 cr, followed by an increase of 18 percent on day 3, which means the movie minted Rs. 4.25 crore. However, business saw fall on the weekdays. On day 4, the first Monday, the movie saw a dip of more than 75 per cent, and the collection was only Rs. 1.05 cr, on day 5, i.e. Tuesday collection as per the rough data is Rs. 1.07 cr. This makes the total collection of the film after 6 days of theatrical run Rs.12.47 cr.
Reportedly, the movie is losing a great chunk of business because of the ban in Punjab.
However, it appears this box office fall was not only for Kangana Ranaut’s political drama. Other movies also saw a major dip in their collections. Azaad, which was released on the same date as Emergency, collected Rs.0.55 cr, roughly, while Ram Charan’s Game Changer, too, couldn’t reach the Rs.1 cr mark.
Speaking about the political landscape of 1975 that shook the nation, the movie stars Kangana Ranaut as Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, Anupam Kher as Jayaprakash Narayan, Shreyas Talpade as Atal Bihari Vajpayee, Milind Soman as Field Marshal Sam Manekshaw. In addition to these stars, Adhir Bhat plays Feroze Gandhi and Vishak Nair – Sanjay Gandhi.