Actor Saif Ali Khan’s doctors on Sunday said he would need a long period of bed rest. “He is doing well, and prior to discharge, we need to plan his home care because he will have to remain on prolonged bed rest,” Dr Nitin Dange, the neurosurgeon who performed the operation to remove the knife lodged in the actor’s thoracic spine at Lilavati Hospital, said. Asked if the police had recorded Khan’s statement, Dr Dange said: “All we can say is that everything has been cleared up.”
Hospital COO Dr Niraj Uttamani said Khan they had not planned the discharge yet. “We will likely reassess the situation tomorrow (Monday),” he said.
Khan’s mother, Sharmila Tagore, wife, Kareena Kapoor Khan, and others visited him in Lilavati through Sunday.
His sister Soha Ali Khan sounded relieved about his condition as she spoke at an event Sunday. “We are very, very happy that he is recovering well, and we are very thankful and we feel very blessed and grateful that it wasn’t any worse. Thank you for all your wishes,” she said.