MEERUT: Two minor sisters lost their lives after being struck by the Amritsar Jan Shatabdi Express train while playing near a railway track in the Mehndi Nagar area of UP’s Rampur, police said on Sunday. Their father, Dev Kumar Kashyap, a daily wage labourer, lives with his family near the railway track. Their mother, Upasana Devi, was away collecting fodder, leaving the girls playing.
The gateman informed the station master about the incident, after which govt railway police arrived. Milak SHO Dhananjay Kumar Singh said, “Pihu Kashyap, 4, and Jhanvi Kashyap, 2, were playing and attempting to cross the track when the speeding train crushed them on Saturday. Both girls died on the spot.”
He added, “The family refused to get a post-mortem examination done and no formal complaint has been lodged. We are counselling nearby residents to ensure children do not play near the tracks.”