Bollywood star Saif Ali Khan was attacked in a terrifying incident by an armed intruder at his Bandra home early on Thursday morning. The intruder, armed with a knife and stick, left the actor, his staff, and his son’s nanny injured before fleeing the scene. The horrific attack took place at around 2:30 am in the upscale Satguru Sharan building, shocking the city and sparking a massive police man hunt.
Intruder’s demands turn violent
According to the FIR accessed by The Times of India, the nightmare began when Eliyama Philip, a 56-year-old nurse employed at the Khan residence, was confronted by the intruder in the bedroom where Saif’s 4-year-old son, Jeh Baba, was asleep.
Saif Ali Khan Health Update
The man, described as slim and in his late 30s, demanded Rs 1 crore from Philip. When she resisted, he attacked her, causing severe injuries to her hands and wrists.
Saif Ali Khan injured while defending family
The commotion woke up Jeh Baba’s nanny, Junu, who raised an alarm, prompting Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor Khan to rush into the room. In his attempt to protect his family, Saif confronted the intruder and sustained multiple injuries, including deep cuts to his neck, shoulder, and wrist. Staff member Geeta also suffered injuries while intervening.
Knife shard lodged in Saif’s spine removed
Saif Ali Khan was rushed to Lilavati Hospital, where doctors performed emergency surgery to remove a 2.5-inch knife lodged in his thoracic spine, as reported by ANI.
Dr Niraj Uttamani, chief operating officer at the hospital, said, “The surgery went well. Saif is stable and recovering in the ICU. We expect a full recovery in the coming days.” Neurosurgeon Dr Nitin Dange added, “In addition to the spinal injury, there were deep wounds on his neck and left hand, which required plastic surgery.”
CCTV footage offers crucial clues
Police investigators, aided by CCTV footage, discovered that the intruder had escaped via the staircase after the attack. A screen grab of the suspect’s face—wearing a brown collared shirt and red scarf—has gone viral. Sub-Inspector Suraj Irakte revealed, “The suspect appears to have entered earlier in the night and hid within the premises before launching the attack. We’ve formed ten teams to track him down.”
Bandra police on high alert
A case has been registered under multiple sections, including armed robbery, attempted murder, and house trespass. Bandra Police, along with the Crime Branch, are actively investigating. Officials confirmed no signs of forced entry, indicating that the intruder might have exploited a security lapse.
The case has prompted an extensive investigation involving 20 police teams.
Bollywood on edge: A pattern of celebrity threats
The attack on Saif Ali Khan has reignited concerns about celebrity safety in Mumbai. Similar incidents in recent years, including threats to Salman Khan and Shah Rukh Khan, underscore the vulnerability of even high-profile figures.
Actor’s statement: ‘A burglary gone wrong’
Saif Ali Khan’s representatives issued a statement calling the incident a “burglary attempt.” The star remains under observation at the hospital, with his family and fans relieved that he is out of danger.