AGRA: Two Agra police constables were suspended on Tuesday after a marble-laden truck was stolen from the Sarendhi police outpost under Jagner police station. The truck, bearing Rajasthan number plates, was seized by mining officer Sushil Verma on Jan 7 for transporting 20 cubic meters of illegally mined marble stone. It was stolen the next day while constables Rohit Kumar and Pushpendra Kumar were on duty at the outpost.
That same day, Kheragarh assistant commissioner of police (ACP) Imran Ahmad had denied the theft and said there was only an attempt to steal the truck. However, after the truck owner filed a complaint, head constable Sushil Kumar lodged an FIR, and deputy commissioner of police (DCP) Sonam Kumar launched a probe. According to the FIR, Verma had parked the truck at the police outpost, and this was recorded in the outpost’s general diary.
Local residents reported that unidentified individuals took the truck toward Bharatpur. “The FIR was registered under BNS Section 303(2) (theft), and the two constables were suspended for negligence on duty. A team has been tasked with recovering the stolen truck,” the DCP said.